Kooken Guitar & Piano Studios

Tuition and Studio Policy
Studio Policy
Tuition is billed the first week of the month. We issue hand-written invoices. Payment is due no later than the 15th of the month. Cash, checks, and Zelle transfers are accepted. Please make checks payable to the instructor you are taking lessons with.
Piano lessons are $35/half-hour or $70/hour.
Guitar / bass lessons are $35/half-hour or $70/hour.
Music book and supplies are not included in tuition. We are happy to purchase music and supplies for you and these charges will appear on your invoice.
Incase of inclement weather, we follow the Baltimore County Public School closings. If weather conditions improve and the roads are safe, we will contact you to see if you are able to come into your lesson. Any missed lessons due to inclement weather will be rescheduled for a makeup lesson.
If an illness or other event such as a doctor's appointment prevents you from attending a lesson, please notify us as soon as possible. A makeup lesson will be scheduled within 30 days of a missed lesson. Makeup lessons will not be rescheduled for any reason.
If you have any questions about our policy, please feel free to contact us.